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The workings of compression socks

Compression socks are a relatively new style of sock that have been proven to help with circulation and can also help prevent varicose veins. These types of socks are designed with elastic bands around the calf area, which apply pressure to the lower leg area in order to improve blood flow. If you or someone you know suffers from varicose veins, these are a great way to get the benefits of a deep tissue massage without the expense or hassle of going to a therapist or spa!

What are Compression Socks?

Compression socks are typically designed with an elastic band around the calf area, which applies pressure to the lower leg area in order to improve blood flow. It also helps prevent varicose veins! These types of socks are typically worn by athletes or people who sit for long periods of time who need to rest their legs.

Why do people wear them?

People typically wear running compression socks to help with circulation, prevent varicose veins, and because they sit for long periods of time. These are also great if you want the benefits of a deep tissue massage without spending the money or taking the time to go back and forth to a therapist.

Compression Socks Work

If you or someone you know suffers from varicose veins, these socks are perfect in relieving the natural swelling in your legs. Depending on whether your doctor prescribes them, these can be worn up to 18 hours at a time during the day (a doctor will usually recommend that you take them off while sleeping). If not prescribed by a doctor, these can be worn for around 10 hours.

Who should wear compression socks?

These are typically designed with an elastic band around the calf area, which applies pressure to the lower leg in order to improve blood flow. People typically wear compression socks to help with circulation, prevent varicose veins, and because they sit for long periods of time.

When to wear compression socks?

The best time to wear this type of sock is before you go to bed when you are in a seated position. But remember when it comes to proper care, whether they are the thin or thick variety, they need to be replaced every 6 months or sooner if there are any holes in them. These can be worn up to 18 hours at a time during the day depending on whether your doctor prescribes them. If not prescribed by a doctor, these can be worn for around 10 hours.

Benefits of wearing compression socks

Compression socks provide many different benefits, including relief for varicose veins, better circulation, and because they are elastic they can be worn up a long hours in a day. If you wear these socks, it is important to not wear any other type of sock because they can be easily damaged. It’s also advised that you don’t sleep in them and store them properly when not in use so they last for a long time.


Compression socks are designed to provide graduated pressure on the blood vessels and muscles of your legs, feet, and abdomen. This can help prevent swelling in those areas as well as improve circulation by forcing more oxygen-rich blood through them. Compression is a great treatment for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and other circulatory problems that cause tiredness or pain during long periods of sitting. If you’re experiencing any these symptoms from CVI, don’t hesitate to ask about compression socks! They work wonders for many people who experience the same discomfort every day at their jobs or while traveling.