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What Can I Do to Help Me Lose Weight

What Can I Do to Help Me Lose Weight?

Sometimes it can seem almost impossible to sort through all of the conflicting information out there – in magazines, on TV, the internet, friends and family; all have their own opinions on the best way to lose weight.

Scientifically, there are only two things you need to do to lose weight:

1. Eat less

2. Do more

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But if it was really that simple, nobody would be overweight!

1. Eat less

Eat less

The problem is, it’s not just that you need to eat less volume; you need to also consider the type of food that you’re eating. Some foods are small in size but carry an insane amount of calories. For example, A McDonalds Big Mac will go you 540 calories, but a salad of the same approximate size would be less than 100 calories. So portion control isn’t all of it. You also need to learn to eat the most appropriate things for the kind of metabolism type that you are.

Most of us don’t eat nearly enough natural fruits and vegetables. Instead we get our sweet fix from sugary snacks and treats which have little nutritional value, and just weigh us down with “empty” calories. Often we feel bloated but still unsatisfied, leading us to consume more and more.

For many people, it’s easier to follow a specific diet for guidance. Try to find one that’s been designed by a nutritionist or qualified doctor. And make sure it will suit your metabolism.

2. Do more

Do more

Most of us today in the western world lead quite sedentary lifestyles compared to our ancestors, or even our grandparents! Whereas Gramps may have worked on a farm or on an assembly line, more and more these days we tend to have desk-based jobs. Grandma would have been doing the laundry, the washing up, mopping floors and sweeping all by hand, whereas we have all manner of modern technology to help us. And both of them would have walked or ridden a bicycle as their primary method of transport, whereas most of us rely on a car.

Of course nobody wants to go back to the days of back-breaking manual labor. But with the advances in modern technology, we are burning far less calories in our day-to-day lives – and if we don’t cut our calorie intake accordingly, we are going to gain weight.

There are lots of little things you can do to increase your calorie burn, even if you don’t have time to visit the gym. Start parking your car in the furthest slot away from the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator – if you can’t manage the whole flight, try getting off just one or two floors early. Walk to the shops or to work, if possible. If you can’t do the whole thing, again, can you park halfway there maybe? If you ride the bus, try getting off one stop earlier than normal. While you’re watching TV, during the commercial breaks, get up and walk around, go up and down the stairs, or you could even jog on the spot if you feel really energetic!

If you follow these two simple rules, you will lose weight. There are many other things you can do to help me lose weight, but these two rules are key. If you don’t follow these, you will not lose anything.